Homebuilders in the United States are generally small-scale businesses. Companies building custom homes for individual clients may only do four or five per year, while larger companies that build on spec or for bigger projects may only build a few hundred a year.
Design-wise, the homes that these companies build tend to look more like templates than unique structures. Just look at any tract house in any American suburb. The benefit of any of this is that it allows homes to be mass-produced and quickly, not to mention it’s a lot more cost-effective.
Higharc – Paving the Way!
Things are about to change with a new company called Higharc. With a tool based in any web browser, homebuilders can more easily make adjustments to their current home designs. Higharc is wanting to streamline the process and help design better homes.
This tool is designed more for homebuilders, but it’s also a tool that has a purpose for homebuyers as well. It can be used to tweak templated designs for the buyer to ultimately build the home of their dreams – quick and easy.
Some features include:
- Easily resize rooms
- Push walls back
- Add patios or decks
- Take out floors or walls
- Etc.
There are literally millions of possible options that could be available
How it works
This new tool works by taking all the basic laws used to build a home – building codes, materials, important construction info etc. and automating the documents that are needed in order to construct the home. These are the documents that are used on-site by the builder.
For example, if the buyer would like to extend the deck and move a couple of windows or even add an overhang to the porch, with a couple of clicks the changes are made and construction-ready blueprints are ready to go!
To read more about how Higharc is changing the way we build homes, go here.