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As a production home builder, you’re constantly looking for reliable subcontractors who can provide quality work. You want to ensure that the subcontractor you choose is experienced, has the right skillset, and will meet deadlines. So how can you identify these quality traits early on when vetting potential subcontractors? Let’s explore some tips to help you recognize the best subcontractors for your production home building business.

Look at their Portfolio
One of the first steps to vetting a subcontractor is to look at their portfolio. A portfolio showcases their experience level and capability, so it is important to take a good look at what they have done in the past. Pay attention to whether or not they have worked on similar projects as yours, and determine if their previous work meets your standards. If possible, contact some of their former clients and ask them about their experience with the subcontractor. This will give you a better sense of what it would be like working with them going forward.

Check Their References
Another way to vet prospective subcontractors is by checking out their references. Ask for references from people they have worked with in the past and contact each one of them directly to get an idea of how they performed in those settings. It is important that you ask specific questions about how well they met deadlines, how quickly they responded to changes or requests, etc. This will give you an indication of how reliable they are as a potential partner for your project.

Look at Online Reviews
Finally, don’t forget to do your research online! Look up reviews from other clients who have worked with this particular contractor before and see what kind of feedback they have left behind. The more positive reviews there are from different clients, the better chance there is that this contractor can deliver quality results when working with you on your production home building project.

Vetting potential subcontractors for any project can be time consuming but it’s necessary if you want to make sure that you hire someone who will deliver top-notch results. By taking into account factors such as portfolio samples, references from past clients, and reviews online – production home builders can accurately identify quality traits in a subcontractor early in the vetting process so that they know exactly who they are dealing with before closing any deals!